Thursday 16 September 2021

Retire happily. Enjoy the second innings!

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Retire happily. Enjoy the second innings!

In fact, you have only retired from your job or profession, rest everything is the same. Hence no need to change your lifestyle. Continue to live your life as before with a benefit of more time at your disposal. Continue with your usual daily routine. Some seniors after retirement try to change their eating habits. They try diet control, live on juices, traditional snacks and reduce intake of food as compared to earlier days and live on frugal meals. On the contrary eat as before, enjoy your meals. Avoid rigorous exercise; take up walking and loosening exercises........

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Many seniors who retire from their job or profession think they have retired in all spheres of life. Actually it's a new innings rich with experience and understanding of life. Once at a political meeting, a politician warned his colleagues and officials – Don’t mess with senior citizens. They have the time, experience and the purpose to pursue the matter!

The big mistake retired people do is trying to change their lifestyle, eating habits, feel they have done all in life. And tend to relax and take a back seat. Keep yourself occupied in something you love to do - reading, writing, painting, traveling or devoting your free time constructively in some NGO. With modern technology and internet, one has many options. Make a choice and pursue it. Actually age is in the mind. If you think young, you will feel and behave young. 

In fact, you have only retired from your job or profession, rest everything is the same. Hence no need to change your lifestyle. Continue to live your life as before with a benefit of more time at your disposal. Continue with your usual daily routine. Some seniors after retirement try to change their eating habits. They try diet control, live on juices, traditional snacks and reduce intake of food as compared to earlier days and live on frugal meals. On the contrary eat as before, enjoy your meals. Avoid rigorous exercise; take up walking and loosening exercises. They are ideal for your legs and fitness. Unless you have any health issues, there's no reason to restrain yourself.

The mantra is, keeps your legs strong as it is said, aging starts from the feet upward. Hence when you are old, the feet must always remain strong. Don’t be afraid of thinning hair or it turning grey or skin sagging or wrinkles or going out of shape in some areas. As summarized by the US Magazine ‘Prevention’, strong leg muscles are listed on the top, as the most important and essential one. If you do not move your legs for two weeks, your leg strength will decrease by 10 years.

A study by the University of Copenhagen in Denmark found that both old and young, during the two weeks of inactivity, the legs muscle strength can be weakened by a third which is equivalent to 20-30 years of ageing. As our leg muscles weaken, it will take a long time to recover, even if we do rehabilitation and exercises. Therefore, regular exercise like walking with proper footwear is very important. The whole body weight/load remains and rest on the legs. The foot is a kind of pillars, bearing the weight of the human body. Interestingly, 50% of a person's bones and 50% of the muscles are in the two legs. The largest and strongest joints and bones of the human body are also in the legs. Strong bones, strong muscles, and flexible joints form the Iron Triangle that carries the most important load on the human body. 70% of human activity and burning of energy in one's life is done by the two feet. When young you take it for granted, but once old you realize the true meaning.

The foot is the center of body locomotion. Both the legs together have fifty percent of the nerves of the human body, fifty percent of the blood vessels and fifty percent of the blood flowing through them. It is the large circulatory network that connects the body. Only when the feet are healthy then the convention current of blood flows, smoothly, so people who have strong leg muscles will definitely have a strong heart. And live a healthy and happy life.

Aging starts from the feet upwards. As a person gets older, the accuracy and speed of transmission of instructions between the brain and the legs decreases, unlike when a person is young. In addition, the so-called Bone Fertilizer Calcium will sooner or later be lost with the passage of time, making the elderly more prone to bone fractures. Bone fractures in the elderly can easily trigger a series of complications, especially fatal diseases such as brain thrombosis. So take care not to slip or fall.

Exercising the legs is never too late, even after the age of 60 years. The feet/legs will gradually age with time, exercising our feet/legs is a life-long task. Only by strengthening the legs, one can prevent further aging. Please walk for at least 30-40 minutes daily to ensure that your legs receive sufficient exercise and to ensure that your leg muscles remain healthy. Hence it is said – Legs for life.

Senior citizens should bear this in mind - never teach anyone anything, unless requested, even if you are sure you are right. Do not try to help unless asked for. Just be ready and available for it if possible. Do not give unsolicited opinion all the time. Do not expect everyone to follow your opinion, even though you feel your opinion was the best. Don't impose yourself on anyone on any subject. Don't try to protect your loved ones from all the misfortunes of the world. Just love them and pray for them. Don't complain about your health, your neighbors, your retirement or your woes all the time. Don't expect gratitude from children. There are no ungrateful children; there are only stupid parents, who expect gratitude from their children.

Don't waste your last money on anti-ageing treatments. It's useless like gone with the wind. Better spend it on a trip. It's always worth it. Take care of your spouse, even if he/she becomes a wrinkled, helpless and moody old person. Don't forget he/she was once young, good looking and cheerful, may be he/she is the only one who really needs you right now. Try to understand new technologies and keep up with time. Follow the latest news, constantly study something new, a new skill, a new dish, a new indoor game, do not fall behind, and change with time. Don't blame yourself for whatever happened to your life or to your children's lives, you did everything you could. Preserve your dignity and integrity in any situation, till the end. Keep your investments, properties and savings to yourself and your spouse. Anyway it will go to your children after you are gone.

Remember, you're still alive and kicking, someone needs you. Dress well, be presentable, your children and others will appreciate it. Be in touch with your loved ones and friends. Talking to them from time to time is like a gush of fresh air which recharges and freshens up the body, mind and soul. Lead a happy retired life. Remember you have not retired from life. Be as usual, enjoy life. You have time on your side for various activities. Celebrate life - eat, drink and have fun but with a small warning - do it within limit. Just as kids will be kids, oldies will be oldies!

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The Romance of Writing

Writing may be old-fashion, but it has its own charm. Many famous writers still prefer to write the first draft by hand. People who still prefer to write by hand realize the romance of writing.

From typewriter to desk top to laptop, notebook; the good old days of writing by hand is just a memory. The romance of writing is gone. Years after typing on the pretty Remington, Halda, Godrej Prima regular and later Remington, Olivetti Olympia portable and then years later came the desk top and after a few years arrived the laptop; I find I can hardly write by hand. My writing has gone from bad to worse. With the introduction of ATM card, even writing self-cheque seems stone-age! The neat and cute writing has gone for a toss and now I scribble like a doctor’s prescription note, though I still love to write the first draft of my writing or article by hand.  I may sound old-fashioned. And then technology takes over in the form of laptop, with neatly formatted text.

Apart from this most writers relied on the Oxford or Webster dictionary. And even this has been replaced by the know-all Google which at times tends to re-educate you. Even kids refuse to touch the good old bulky dictionary and trust the Google. Earlier one had to just have paper and pen to express one’s thoughts or ideas. It gave a sense of achievement. Then came the typewriter, often messing your fingers with the black ribbon ink, trying to set it right, with strokes and markings on the face as a camouflaged commando on a mission. Even the pretty young secretaries were done away, with no distraction to the bosses!

Then years later arrived, the new age of technology in the form of desk top, PC for short, with the CPU unit, monitor, keyboard and mouse. It was a bit confusing for the un-initiated, but much faster and smart. As one is about to get hold of the working of this gadget, lappy, the laptop made a grand appearance. Like the old portable typewriter, it is small and a compact unit encompassing the CPU, screen, keyboard and mouse. And the beauty is the sleek devise can be easily carried around. You can play games or listen to music too while sitting on your table or travelling. Now we have the tablets which double up as the laptop too.

No doubt the technological inventions have brought in progress and change with internet, emails messaging; but the present generation will truly miss the romance of writing, and also the art of expressing in letters which conveyed one’s feelings of love, happiness, anger and sadness. The gadgets have made things easy and fast, but writing by hand is different. The romance has gone forever. The postcards, inland letters, aerogrammes, money order are thing of the past. The younger generation may laugh at us!

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