Are we the
same people?
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The fact is India and Pakistan are really different; Muslim League leaders demanded and separated from India to have their own country called Pakistan fearing that Hindus may dominate and suppress others. In the last seventy two years, India and Pakistan have gone their own way. India progressed as a country is respected in the comity of nations, while Pakistan is considered as a failed state that exports terrorism. Both were independent nations in 1947. India is a vibrant and biggest democracy in the world with secular and liberal credentials. While Pakistan is an Islamic nation and martial law was imposed many times in Pakistan by the military rulers.......

Many people wonder whether we are the same. And if so why do we react and behave
differently? A foreigner friend of mine once asked – ‘Are Indians and
Pakistanis the same? They look alike but there’s something, which makes them different.
Indians are tolerant, literate with a wider outlook and Pakistanis, intolerant,
majority are illiterate with narrow outlook.

I responded – We may look alike. We may dress
similarly. We may eat the same kind of food. We may share the common culture,
history and tradition. There may be many commonalities, but we are not the
same. There is something which sets us apart. If we were the same, then why did
we part in August 1947? Why did they demand a separate Muslim nation? Why did
we fight four wars? You ask a Pakistani, he too might tell you the same. Though
we share a common border, we are different just like we share a common border
with China and are very different from them.
Pakistan is in a state of confusion. They have an identity crisis. Sometimes they like to believe, they are Arabs, sometimes claim to be Turks or Uzbeks, sometimes believe they are Afghans or even Iranians. They don't like to accept they are from Indian subcontinent whose ancestors were Hindus who were converted by force, coaxed or threatened. As long as they don't accept their roots and history, they will continue to be in a state of confusion and ignorance. Same with their heroes. People who invaded their land, attacked, killed and raped the woman and local residents are proclaimed as their heroes and their missiles are named after them. The new generation exposed to the outer world are learning about these fallacies.

Some of the politicians from north, in the early
years were bent upon convincing that Pakistanis are our brothers, unjustly
separated from us, who long for peace and friendship with India. The truth is
that Pakistan is a separate Islamic nation, distinct, independent country. Just
as you see the external similarities between us; look closely and deeper, you
will find distinct dissimilarities in us – in politics, the people, the
dressing their approach to problems, their mindset and thinking, their
home-grown problems, their government, etc.

The fact is India and Pakistan are really
different; Muslim League leaders demanded and separated from India to have their
own country called Pakistan fearing that Hindus may dominate and suppress
others. In the last seventy two years, India and Pakistan have gone their own
way. India progressed as a country is respected in the comity of nations, while
Pakistan is considered as a failed state that exports terrorism. Both were
independent nations in 1947. India is a vibrant and biggest democracy in the
world with secular and liberal credentials. While Pakistan is an Islamic nation
and martial law was imposed many times in Pakistan by the military rulers. In
between sham elections were held, but the real power is in the hands of the Pak
army. No Prime Minister can survive without the support of the army top brass
in Rawalpindi. Imran Khan is the Prime Minister, but the real power is with the

Most of the kids of the Pakistan army personnel are
studying abroad. And after retirement, the army generals go abroad and settle
in UK, US, Australia, Canada and other countries. The common man suffers making
it difficult to survive with mismanagement and rising prices. May be this
forces them to get violent or pick up the gun. Even today with threats and
warnings from FATF and IMF, and sanctions looming large, the ruling party and
media are singing praises of Imran Khan though some leaders and a few from the
media criticize him for destroying Pakistan. Some, like Fiza Khan, a Television
anchor even claims him to be a world leader of stature who is respected and
heard by the world. But everyone knows the truth. His motor-mouth statements
and interviews along with uncalled for statements and utterances by his
ministers, mainly Sheikh Chilly Rashid and Fawad Choudhary do a lot of harm to
the country. With the economic crises, political isolation, terrorist activity,
prices rising, no one knows where the country is heading. They have been
exposed for playing a double game in Afghanistan. It will cost them dearly. US
and its allies are already working on taking action.

The people of India know what they want and where they
are heading. To be one of the top 3-4 economies in the world, this tells the
story of India’s long term planning, progress and influence around the world.
It is respected and India’s views are considered. Still Pakistan tries to
compare itself with India after more than seventy years of independence. The
people of India and Pakistan might look the same but they are vastly different
from each other. We see things in a different perspective of carrying everyone
along in our journey to progress. Pakistan keep talking about Islam and the
masses are fed with false history and stories of bravado of the Pakistan army
and their leaders.

The Pakistan government doesn't think on long term
policies with its merits for the benefit of Pakistan. Their mindset is such
that they look for short term policy which can benefit the army and
politicians. The army officers and politicians are rich with most of their
children living abroad. The vast majority of the population is poor and illiterate.
They are fed with lies, glorifying Pakistan, wrong history and hatred for
India, especially Hindus. They don’t talk about Osama bin Laden being killed by
the Americans in Pakistan. He is hailed as martyr. Rest is all Indian

However whatever happens in Pakistan will have some
consequences for India. India has to be a quiet observer and watch what unfolds
or happens there from time to time. It is clear – we are not the same people.
And they too feel the same. Until 1947 we may have been the same, but they were
brainwashed into believing they're a separate community, different and superior
and India is out to destroy them. And partition happened on 15 August 1947. The
two nations went their way but the animosity continued.

Trying to prove we are the same, creates more mistrust
and suspicion. Sometimes, being different and accepting it with mutual respect
for one another, helps to give peace a better chance! To understand the
Pakistanis better one should just have a look at their media or TV channels.
The anchors, the so called political analysts, defense strategists, ex-army
officers or experts blame all their failures are due to India. Anything wrong
that happens in Pakistan, it's immediately blamed on India. Everything is due
to Indian conspiracy or a result of Indian propaganda. These anchors or experts
are either really ignorant or illiterate, it shows from the way they speak lies
and direct venom against India. And their vastly illiterate population believes
them without knowing the facts.

Ask any Pakistani about the four wars Pakistan
initiated against India, they will say that Pakistan won all the four wars and
their brave Pakistan army defeated the coward Indian invaders. They have an
Indian obsession though it's over seventy years since Pakistan was formed. And
they're shocked and jealous of India's progress - its power, its rising economy,
its world-wide influence in business, industry, trade, corporate and foreign
investment. And visit of top political leaders, diplomats and officials from other
leading countries to India regularly, and also Indians occupying senior
positions in top notch multinational companies in USA and around the world.

Listen to the Pakistani anchors and experts like
Fiza Khan, Qamar Cheema, Zaid Ahmed, Anika, Hilali and others, they give an
impression that Pakistan is a progressive, rich, modern and a vibrant country,
very influential, leader of the Muslim world and economically well off and a
major player in this region. And have every right to interfere in Afghanistan
and play a major role in guiding the Taliban. Also claim they have sacrificed
and contributed a lot for Afghanistan and helped Americans in the war on terror
for decades. And claim to be victims of terrorism. And try to glorify Pakistan
as a strong country with a strong and powerful army and ISI the number one
intelligence agency in the world. However there are a few sane voices like
Arzoo Kazmi, Aalia Shah, Najam Sethi, Hamid Mir and Hasan Nissar who believe in
facts and present the truth. But some of them are abused and called traitors
but nevertheless they continue to report objectively.

But the fact is otherwise, Pakistan is in a chaos,
the economy is in shambles with IMF and FATF imposing strict penalties. The
Imran Khan government is on a borrowing spree from various agencies and
countries. Nobody believes Pakistan and it's seen as the epicenter of terrorism
and an exporter of terror. Osama bin Laden was found to be hiding here. And its
claim to be a player in the region is a myth. It's more of a trouble creator.
Major terrorist organizations are based here. And many UN designated terrorists
are given shelter here. Every other day, there is some blast or killing in the
Afghan-Pak border areas or we hear of Pakistan army soldiers being attacked by
different factions of Taliban. It's almost isolated in the world, except for support
from China and Turkey to some extent. They too are realizing the futility in
supporting Pakistan.

Pakistanis fail to realize before August 1947 they
were part of India and their ancestors were Hindus, who were converted by
coercion or by force. They disown their culture, history and their origin. They
try to make false and funny claims of being Arabs, Turks, Afghans, etc. They're
all in a confused state of mind without a history, tradition and culture. Tarek
Fateh a critic of this thought tries to remind them of their origin, culture
and past and he is criticized for it. He is also called a traitor. Though some
educated Pakistanis are accepting the facts and regretting of having separated
from India.

The Pakistanis praise and claim the invaders of
Hindustan as their heroes though they have nothing to do with them. They have
named their missiles after Gazi and Ghaznavi. Claim Abdali as the saviour of
Islam by defeating the Hindu Marathas in the battle of Panipat. What kind of
mindset can you expect from them who overlook their own history, culture and
roots? The Arabs look down upon them. They're not welcome in many countries.
Their passport is looked at with disdain and suspicion and many a times it
attracts questioning, body search and special checks. It's not only common Pakistanis
but also politicians and actors. A popular Pakistani actress in a TV interview
narrated the treatment meted out to them with tears in her eyes. She emphasized
about the insult and this is how they are treated in foreign airports,
especially western airports.

The joke going around India - how do the Pakistani
Generals and officers go around with medals tucked on their uniform though they
have lost all wars? They even forget to make a mention of how they lost half
their country in 1971 and 93,000 troops surrendered before the Indian Army in
Dhaka. If reminded, they just wave it off saying its Indian propaganda. And now
it hurts them to see how Bangladesh has gone ahead of Pakistan in many fields
with a healthy economy, high GDP, the people whom they looked down upon,
calling them names and teasing them for being dark, short and speaking Bengali.

Imran Khan when he became Prime Minister was hailed
as an educated PM who could present Pakistan's views and arguments on the world
stage. But he turned out to be a politically novice and illiterate about world
affairs. He once said - Germany and Japan share borders. Though they fought
against each other are now together. He continues his faux pas and makes loose
statements and continues to put his foot in the mouth. Many of his statements have
done more harm than good for Pakistan.
Pakistan is almost a size of an Indian state. They
try to compare anything and everything with India, little realising India is
far ahead of Pakistan in every field, be it the armed forces, economy,
education, literacy, health care, manufacturing, trade, exports, etc. But the
politicians and media are bent on comparing itself with India. Any debate or discussion is not complete
without any reference or criticism of India. Pakistan is not taken in seriously
in the world. Their intolerant face and suppression of minorities are
highlighted in the media.

Pick up any school book of history in Pakistan,
children are taught hatred against non-Muslims. Islam is glorified. They are taught
Hindus are Khafirs, inferior and that they ill-treat women. The nation was born
out of hatred for Hindus. And they continue to do so. So every generation are
taught to hate Indians and Hindus. The
recent news about Ramayana and Mahabharata being included in school syllabus
and a temple being built in one of the Gulf countries has upset them. The
exhibiting of a model of Ram Mandir in Dubai Expo is breaking news. This shows
their intolerance. See their media and their TV channels or social media. It is
full of venom against India. They blame India for all their failures. Indian
conspiracy and Indian propaganda are the favourite words of the anchors and
experts. Now with internet and social media, many Pakistanis are learning the
truth as to how the government, army and media are hiding their failures and
blaming it on India, and how the general public is fooled. And learn how Pakistan
is fast moving towards becoming a failed state.
When you mention India, the world looks at it
positively as a world leader, a strong economy, a large market with well
developed infrastructure, modern industries, IT giant with educated, skilled
and hard-working people, a progressive country worth collaborating with and
investing in. And when you mention Pakistan, the world looks at it with
suspicion, a country sheltering terrorists and an exporter of terror with large
illiterate population with extremist views and with its economy in shambles and
the government on a borrowing spree, nobody would take the risk of investing
there. Chanakya, the ancient Indian thinker had pronounced – those who don’t
know their history will soon be bereft of their geography.
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